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The fruit of the olive tree has a high oil content and a staining pigment, which can discolor sidewalks, as well as carpets, if tracked into the home or office.

Tree Doctors, Inc.  will be spraying your olive trees with an approved growth regulator (Maintain CF-125) to help prevent the formation of messy fruit.

The Olive trees in our community are scheduled to be sprayed on Wednesday, January 17th (IF RAIN OR WINDS ARE SUCH THAT WE CANNOT SPRAY, WE WILL RESCHEDULE AS SOON AS WEATHER PERMITS).

Please avoid parking near any olive trees during this time.  Also, please keep your home or apartment windows and doors closed while the trees next to your home are being sprayed.

Warning:  Pesticides can be harmful.

Keep children and pets away from spray application until dry, dissipated, or aerated.  AZ  Lic. C 5229 EF.  For more information, contact Tree Doctors, Inc. at (480) 844-4037.


Tree Health                 Trimming                Removal